What Is Glaucoma And How Is It Treated?

What Is Glaucoma and How Is It Treated?

Glaucoma can cause blurry vision and significantly impact your quality of life. At Southwest Retina Eye Center in Odessa, TX, we provide eye exams to diagnose glaucoma and treatment to slow down the progression of the disease. Before visiting us, learn more about how glaucoma is treated below:

Understanding Glaucoma

At our practice, we see a lot of conditions on a regular basis; however, one of the most common is glaucoma. This is a serious condition that could lead to blindness. The eyes depend on a certain degree of pressure to hold their structures together; however, if the pressure rises too much, this could lead to blindness.

As the pressure behind the eyes continues to climb, this places the nerves and blood vessels behind the eyes at risk. It can damage arteries, veins, and the optic nerves, leading to blindness. This is why it is important for everyone to understand how glaucoma is diagnosed and treated.

Treatment for Glaucoma

Treating glaucoma starts with recognizing it. Sadly, glaucoma often does not produce any symptoms at all early in the disease course. As the condition progresses, people might start to notice blurry vision or double vision. If this condition is not treated quickly, the final symptom could result in blindness. That is why it must be diagnosed quickly.

When you visit our ophthalmology, we will use a small pen to measure the pressure behind the eyes. If the pressure is high, the diagnosis is confirmed. We have a few treatment options at our disposal. Our opthalmologist will use optic eye drops to lower the pressure. If this is not enough, then we can use oral medications as well to try to alleviate the pressure.

Finally, if this is still not enough, then we can use emergency surgery. This condition develops due to blockages surrounding the outflow tracts of the eyes, causing the liquid to build up. This is where the pressure increase comes from and we can use procedures to reduce it. If you have glaucoma, this is serious. Our eye surgeon can treat this condition and preserve your vision. It is important for you to get this condition treated as quickly as possible.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If are experiencing symptoms of glaucoma, contact Southwest Retina Eye Center in Odessa, TX, at (432) 333-1324 today. After assessing your condition, we will create a treatment plan that is designed to reduce your symptoms and help you see more clearly. We look forward to improving your eye health!


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