Macular Degeneration FAQs

Macular degeneration is a serious condition that can lead to significant vision loss. This is why it's important to understand the causes and treatment options that can slow down progression. Before you visit Southwest Retina Eye Center in Odessa, TX, for a treatment plan, read about some of the most commonly asked questions about macular degeneration (MD). 

Macular Degeneration

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is deterioration and thinning of the macula, which is located at the back of the eye's retina and provides clear central vision. If it is damaged or no longer works as well as it should, you start to lose vision clarity in the middle of your visual field. This means your peripheral vision remains sharp, but tasks like reading or seeing faces may be difficult.

Are there Treatment Options Available?

Dry MD is the most common and there are not may treatments available that can reverse the condition. Our ophthalmologist recommends implementing a healthy diet and vitamin supplements to slow the progression since there is no way to fully stop the deuteriation. When it comes to wet MD, surgery may help to stop deuteriation and potentially reverse any vision loss.

How Fast Does Macular Degeneration Progress?

Dry macular degeneration can progress slowly over time, while wet MD is more immediate and can result in significant vision loss quickly. For people with dry MD, the condition may not be noticed in the early or intermediate stages since significant symptoms don’t show until the late stage.

Is Age the Biggest Factor for Macular Degeneration?

When it comes to dry macular degeneration, age is the most common factor for the deterioration of the macula. As people grow older, the macula can start to break down and can cause problems like blurry central vision, trouble seeing in low light, and straight lines to appear wavy.

What Can You Do to Reduce Risk?

To reduce your risk of macular degeneration, visit our ophthalmologist regularly. We also suggest eating a healthy diet and avoid smoking. While it may not be possible to avoid the condition, surgery can help to prevent further vision loss and only takes about 30 minutes for the procedure.

Contact us for Treatment Today

If you reside near Odessa, TX, and want more information about macular degermation or treatment, contact Southwest Retina Eye Center at (432) 333-1324. We would be happy to provide you with additional details on the condition and set you up with an appointment.


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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