7 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

Cataracts are a common eye condition typically occurring in the natural aging process. They involve the clouding of the lens in the eye, which can cause vision problems. Identifying symptoms gives you a better chance to treat the condition as early as possible. Southwest Retina Eye Center in Odessa, TX, has an ophthalmology team ready to help. Here are seven signs you might have eye cataracts.

Blurry Vision

One of the most common signs of cataracts is a gradual or sudden decrease in vision clarity. You may notice your vision becomes blurry, hazy, or cloudy, making it difficult to see fine details or objects in sharp focus.

Increased Light Sensitivity

Cataracts can make your eyes more sensitive to bright lights, such as sunlight or indoor lighting. You may find that bright lights cause glare or a halo effect, making seeing clearly in well-lit environments uncomfortable.

Double Vision

Cataracts can cause double vision or the perception of multiple images in one eye. This effect, known as monocular diplopia, can occur when light is scattered or refracted unevenly by the clouded lens, resulting in distorted or overlapping images.

Changes in Color Perception

Cataracts can alter how you perceive colors. You may notice yellowing or browning of colors, and they may appear less vibrant or faded. Colors may become less vivid or distinct, making it challenging to differentiate between certain shades.

Difficulty Seeing at Night

Cataracts can also impact your vision in low-light conditions, making it harder to see in dimly lit environments or at night. You may experience increased difficulty with night driving or distinguishing objects in low-light situations.

Increased Difficulty with Reading

As cataracts affect your visual clarity, you may find it increasingly challenging to engage in activities that require clear vision, such as reading, watching television, or working on a computer. You may need brighter lighting or larger fonts to compensate for this visual impairment.

Changing Prescriptions

It could be a sign of cataracts if you need to update your eyeglass or contact lens prescription more frequently than before. As cataracts develop and progress, they can cause changes in your refractive error, leading to adjusted vision correction.

Our Ophthalmologist Can Treat Cataracts

An eye surgeon must remove cataracts once they impede your ordinary activities. They replace your lens with an artificial one, so you can see more clearly. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is time to see your ophthalmologist.

Make an Appointment Today

The sooner you treat cataracts, the better it is for your eyesight. The first step is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. We can evaluate your vision and determine if eye surgery would be right for you. Recovery is relatively easy, and most patients don't have adverse side effects.

Southwest Retina Eye Center services Odessa, TX, and surrounding areas with expert eye care services. We welcome you to schedule an appointment, and we'll provide a personalized treatment plan. Call our office at (432) 333-1324 to schedule an appointment.


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